Woolpit Steam rally in Wetherden near Stowmarket returns with historical steam engine displays and family activities
A popular steam rally, which raises thousands of pounds for charity, was back over the weekend.
Woolpit Steam returned on Saturday and Sunday at Warren Farm in Wetherden, near Stowmarket, to showcase historical farming machinery and equipment.
Co-organiser Gerald Seeley said: “It went exceedingly well. We had two lovely sunny days.
“The people really supported us. Families turned out and had a whale of a time.”
A particular highlight for Gerald was a 1923 Wallis and Stevens oil bath traction engine which travelled from Dorset.
To commemorate the engine’s centenary and the culmination of a thirty year long restoration, the Loader family brought it back to Elmswell over the weekend where it originally worked.
The steam rally raises money for local charities. This year some of the charities included East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH), Women’s Aid and the air ambulance. The total has yet to be added up for this year’s event, but last year £21,000 was raised for good causes.
There were 14 steam engines, including steam rollers, showman’s engines and steam cars, as well as vintage tractors, hay cutting equipment and a Caterpillar bulldozer.
There was all craft and trade stalls, vintage funfair, food and drink vendors, and ice cream stands.
Gerald organises the event with his brother David.